Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home from Tucson!!!!

Hi everyone, I'm home!!!! I'm sure everyone knows by now that I MADE THE TOP TEN! I'm so excited about the outcome there were 51 beautiful women I would have hated to be one the judges. So after a long stressful but fun week I plan to hit the ground running with my Tennessee duties. I have an appearance with the American Liver Foundation on Monday helping with the Fed X gold tournament. This is when the fun begins with my journey as Mrs. Tennessee. Thank you all for you support. A special thank you to some of the state delegates, Amanda Ugla, Brandie Jo, Michelle Allen, Mary-Marsha, and Tiffany Love for sending me cards with their words of support, it was needed.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My first days at Mrs. America

I arrived at 10am and have been running ever since. My roomate is wonderful, of course it's Mrs. Mississippi. We are having the time of our lives, very busy but still so much fun. I am unable to upload pics at this time but will have some to view by this weekend.
Today was wonderful, we all volunteered our time with Habitat of Humanity. If you could only imagine 51 women all dolled up planting trees and shrubs in 90 degree weather, well we did. It was so much fun, I got to wear my favorite cowboy boots!!! (I had been looking foward to that all week!) Well I just wanted to keep you posted, off to bed now-I have to get my beauty rest.
